OutSystems standards and guidelines at Synobsys


Standards, best practices and how-tos for developing OutSystems applications

How-to get started with BDD test framework


Setup the BDD framework and reporting tool

  1. Install the BDD framework from the Forge
  2. Install the BDD framework reporting tool TBD forge component
    • To install the BDD framework reporting tool go to /servicecenter/Applications_List.aspx and click on the publish application button. Upload the "BDD Framework Reporting.oap" and 1-Click Publish

    Publish BDD Framework Application

  3. Set the BDD framework rest api effective url

    • In Service Center open the BDDFrameworkReporting module and open the integrations tab
    • Navigate to the Consumed REST APIs section and open the BDDFrameworkV1 REST API
    • Set the effective url to your environment base url e.g., https://synobsys.outsystemscloud.com/
  4. Set the Timer_ExecuteNewRoundOfTestSuites schedule and activate the timer

    • In Service Center open the BDDFrameworkReporting module and open the timers tab
    • Click on the Timer_ExecuteNewRoundOfTestSuites
    • Enter the desired schedule e.g. daily at 01:00 h
    • Click on Activate to activate the timer if it is not active

Writing test scenarios

Refer to the OutSystems Top-Notch Acceptance Criteria section for guidance on writing acceptance criteria. We create test scenarios based on the acceptance criteria written in the Given When Then format.

Creating a new test suite

Now we create a Test Suite appplication that will contain the component tests and a core test services application that contains reusable logic to be used across test modules.

Create Test Suite application

In LifeTime create a new application using the bddframework template.

Create TestSuite Screen

Create Core Test Services

In LifeTime create a new application using the service template.

Building a test scenario example

Feature: As a Talent Manager I should be able to manage skill and categories

Scenario: Add Skill Group

Given I am a Talent Manager

When I add a new Skill Group named “Play”

Then I should be able to get a successful result

Preparation steps

Create reusable actions in module TalentManagerCoreTests_CS

Implement the scenario

Adding test suites to the BDD framework reporting tool

To add a test suite to the BDD framework reporting tool you must add the module names separated with a comma to the ModuleListCSV site property. E.g. TalentManager_CS_Tests
