OutSystems standards and guidelines at Synobsys


Standards, best practices and how-tos for developing OutSystems applications

How to design and build reusable APIs for your business objects according to the Synobsys conventions

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rest image

Northwind data

In this how-to we’ll create an ProductOrdering REST API for the Northwind database forge component using a design first approach.

Design the API

The api must facilitate creating an order.

![Product Ordering Data Model][ProductOrderingDatamodel]

Derived from the Northwind Order data model we we need the following canonical structures:

Structure Description
Category Category canonical structure
Customer Customer canonical structure
CustomersPage List of customers and count
Order Order canonical structure
OrderObject Order and OrderProduct details
OrderProduct OrderProduct canonical structure
OrdersPage List of orders and count
Product Product canonical structure
ProductObject Product detailed structure
ProductsPage List of products and count
Shipper Shipper canonical structure

To enable product ordering we require the following Api methods:

Name HTTP Method URL Path Description
CategoryGet GET /categories Returns a list of categories
CustomerGet GET /customers Retrieves a paginated list of customers
CustomerGetById GET /customers/{customer_id} Returns the customer details for a given customer.
CustomerOrderGet GET /customers/{customer_id}/orders Retrieves a list of orders for a specific customer.
OrderCreate POST /orders Place an order
OrderGet GET /orders Retrieve a paginates list of orders
OrderGetById GET /orders/{order_id} Return the details of a specific order
ProductGet GET /products Retrieve a paginated list of products that meet the search parameters.
ProductGetById GET /products/{ProductId} Retrieve details of a specific product.

Create a canonical schema

Setup OutSystems Applications and modules


Product Ordering Architecture Canvas

The product ordering api application consists of the following modules:

Implementation steps

  1. Create Application Product API
    1. Open Lifetime (<your environment >/lifetime/Applications.aspx )
    2. Click on [Create Application]
      • Select the Owner team e.g. Reference Architecture
      • Environment: Development
      • What are you building: Service
      • Name: [Domain concept API] (Sample Product API)
      • Description: ?
      • Upload icon: upload an meaningful icon
      • Create App
    3. Go to Service Studio, wait until the application synchronized from lifetime and open the application
    4. Add Canonical Scheme module
      • Name: SampleProductSchema_Lib
      • Type: Library
      • Set the description to: “Sample Product concept canonical schema.”
      • Publish the module
    5. Add Canonical Business Logic CBL module
      • Name: SampleProduct_CBL
      • Type: Service
      • Set the description to: “SampleProduct Canonical Business Logic (CBL). Provides server actions to be used for exposing data in web services transforming the Entity records to the canonical schema.”
      • Publish the module
    6. Add API Module
      • Name: SampleProduct_API
      • Type: Service
      • Set the description to: “REST API Exposing the sample product concept.”
      • Publish the module

Build the API

Because there is no naming convention for rest apis we adhere to the OutSystem [PascalCase] naming convention

Build the Canonical schema model

  1. Open module NorthwindSchema_Lib
  2. Set the module description to: “Northwind Canonical schema. Provides the canonical structures for use in exposing data with API’s”
  3. Create a structure for the following exposed entities:
    • Category
    • Customer
    • Employee
    • Order
    • Product
    • Shipper
    • Supplier
  4. Steps:
    1. Open the NorthwindDB module.
    2. Select an entity to be exposed e.g. Order.
    3. Copy the Order entity and past it in the library module as a structure
    4. Remove the Id attribute. As a rule we don’t expose internal table record id’s
    5. There will be errors for all references to other entities resolve this by copying the referenced entity and change the attribute to the corresponding structure. E.g. Order.CustomerId - Customer Identifier -> Order.Customer - Customer structure
  5. Set the Public attribute of the structures to Yes.
  6. Publish the module
  7. To accommodate pagination we need to create a list with count structure so that we can return a page of records and a count of the total available records. Steps:
    1. Create a new “list” structure e.g. ProductsPage
    2. Add a structure attribute Products type product list
    3. Add a structure attribute Count, type LongInteger
    4. Repeat these steps for CustomersPage and OrdersPage
  8. Publish the module

Build the Canonical Business Logic

For each method of the API we must provide a Canonical Business logic server action. This ensures that we don’t put business logic in the api implementation and have it available for reuse when exposing other protocols e.g. SOAP.

Example retrieve a paged Product list

  1. Open the Northwind_CBL Module
  2. Add a dependency to NorthwindSchemaLib Category, Product and ProductsPage
  3. Add a new server action “ProductGet
  4. Add the following input parameters:
    • CategoryName, type: text, description: Search on category
    • Search, type: text, description: Search on Name
    • Page, type: Integer, description: Page number for pagination
    • PerPage, type: Integer, description: Number of items per page
  5. Add an output parameter result, type ProductsPage
  6. Add the following logic:
    • Trim the inputs
    • Validate the inputs
    • Add wildcards to the non empty Search parameter
    • Add an aggregate with Product and Category as sources
    • Filter the aggregate on Category and Search
    • Set Results.Products to the Aggregate Name.List
    • Set Results.Count to the Aggregate Name.Count
    • Convert the aggregate to SQL
    • Add input parameters StartIndex and MaxRecords to the SQL
    • Add an Integer structure to the output of the SQL
    • Add a separate count aggregate and minimize the joins.
    • Add the following line to the end of the SQL: OFFSET @StartIndex ROWS FETCH NEXT @MaxRecords ROWS ONLY
    • Set the SQL.StartIndex to (Page-1)*PerPage
    • Set MaxRecords to PerPage
    • Check that the Results output is correct.

Build the API

  1. Install required forge components
    • [REST Customized Errors][REST Customized Errors]
  2. Define the API and methods
    1. In service studio open module ProductOrderingAPI
    2. Open the logic tab <Ctrl_3>
    3. Expand Integrations
    4. Right click on REST and select Expose REST API
      • Name: V1
      • Description: Product Ordering API Version 1
      • Authentication: Basic See [how to Add Custom Authentication to an Exposed REST API] for other authentication methods.
      • OnResponse : New OnResponse
    5. Add the following logic to the OnResponse action
      • REST_CustomErrors_Lib/REST_CustomizeResponse
      • Assign CustomizedResponse = REST_CustomizeResponse.CustomizedResponse
      • AddHeader Name: Version Value: “1.0.0”
    6. Right click on V1 and select Add REST API Method
      • Name: CategoriesGet
      • Input parameters: none
      • Output parameters: categories (Category list)
      • Description: Returns a list of categories.
      • URL Path: /categories
      • HTTP Method: GET
    7. Repeat this step for each of the following methods:

      Name Inputs Output Description URL Path Method
      CustomerGetById customer_id customer Returns the customer details for a given customer. /customers/{customer_id} GET
      CustomerCreate customer customer_id Creates a new customer /customers POST
      CustomerDelete customer_id - Deletes a specific customer /customers/{customer_id} DELETE
      CustomersGet - customers Retrieves a list of customers /customers GET
      CustomerUpdate customer - Updates a customer /customers PUT
      OrderCreate order order_id Place an order /orders POST
      OrderGetById order_id order Return the details of a specific order /orders/{order_id} GET
      OrdersGet page, per_page orders Retrieve a paginated list of orders /orders GET
      CustomerOrdersGet customer_id, status, page, per_page orders Retrieves a list of orders for a specific customer /customers//customers/{customer_id}/orders GET
      ProductsGet category, search, per_page, page products Retrieve a paginated list of products that meet the search parameters. /products GET
      ProductGetById product_id product Retrieve details of a specific product /products/{product_id} GET

[[Wikipedia] Canonical schema pattern]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_schema_pattern [The Web API Checklist – 43 Things To Think About When Designing, Testing, and Releasing your API]: https://mathieu.fenniak.net/the-api-checklist/ [Schema-First API Design]: https://dzone.com/articles/schema-first-api-design [PascalCase]: https://www.theserverside.com/definition/Pascal-case [REST Customized Errors]: https://www.outsystems.com/forge/component-overview/15593/rest-customized-errors [how to Add Custom Authentication to an Exposed REST API]: /how-to/how-to-add-custom-authentication-to-an-exposed-rest-api.md [Appropriate record counting]: https://success.outsystems.com/documentation/11/managing_the_applications_lifecycle/manage_technical_debt/code_analysis_patterns/appropriate_record_counting/ [REST API Design Guidance]: https://microsoft.github.io/code-with-engineering-playbook/design/design-patterns/rest-api-design-guidance/ [Api stylebook - design guidelines]: http://apistylebook.com/design/guidelines/ [NLGov API Design Rules]: https://gitdocumentatie.logius.nl/publicatie/api/adr/ [OpenAPI Specification]: ttps://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.1.0.md [ProductOrderingDatamodel]: /how-to/images/ProductOrderingDatamodel.png