OutSystems standards and guidelines at Synobsys


Standards, best practices and how-tos for developing OutSystems applications

How-to Setup a domain concept

For each domain concept perform the following steps

  1. Create LifeTime Applications
  2. Create Concept Modules

Create LifeTime Applications

Create Concept Core Application

  1. Open the Lifetime applications page : https://<your_lifetime_server>/lifetime/Applications.aspx
  2. Click on Create Application Create Application image

    • Choose owner team: <your_domain_team>
    • Choose the environment: Development
    • What are you building?: <your_organisation>Service> (Service) e.g. _Synobsys_Service
    • Name <domainprefix> + <concept> + Core e.g. FLD Fields Core
    • Description: enter a description
    • Upload Icon <your domain concept icon>
    • Click on Create app

Create Concept OAPI Application

  1. Open the Lifetime applications page : https://<your_lifetime_server>/lifetime/Applications.aspx
  2. Click on Create Application
    • Choose owner team: <your_domain_team>
    • Choose the environment: Development
    • What are you building?: <your_organisation>Service> (Service) e.g. _Synobsys_Service
    • Name <domainprefix> +<concept> + OAPI e.g. FLD_Fields_OAPI
    • Description: <domain> + <concept> OutSystems APIs (Service Actions)
    • Upload Icon: <your domain concept icon>
    • Click on Create app

<optional> Create Concept API Application

When exposing services to external systems create an API Application as a container for the exposed REST and or SOAP services.

  1. Open the Lifetime applications page : https://<your_lifetime_server>/lifetime/Applications.aspx
  2. Click on Create Application
    • Choose owner team: <your_domain_team>
    • Choose the environment: Development
    • What are you building?: <your_organisation>Service> (Service) e.g. _Synobsys_Service
    • What are you building?: <your_organisation>Service> (Service) e.g. _Synobsys_Service
    • Name <domainprefix> +<concept> + API e.g. FLD_Fields_API
    • Description: <domain> + <concept> APIs (REST and or SOAP Services)
    • Upload Icon: <your domain concept icon>
    • Click on Create app

Create Concept UI Application

  1. Open the Lifetime applications page : https://<your_lifetime_server>/lifetime/Applications.aspx
  2. Click on Create Application
    • Choose owner team: <your_domain_team>
    • Choose the environment: Development
    • What are you building?: ConceptUI
    • name <domainprefix> +<concept> + UI e.g. FLD Fields UI

Create Modules

Create Concept Core Service Module

  1. In Service Studio open application <domainprefix> <concept> Core e.g. FLD Field Core
  2. Click on add module
    • Name: <DomainPrefix> + “_” + <concept> + “_CS” e.g.: FLD_Fields_CS
    • Module type: Service
  3. Add a description to the new module. E.g. Fields Core Services
  4. Open manage dependencies (Ctrl+Q) and refresh all and apply
  5. add a dependency to your domain security module (e.g. FLD_Fields_Security_FS) check role service actions
  6. 1-Click publish the module
  7. Add the Concept entities and attributes
  8. Change the Id type to Text with a length of 36 (we use GUID’s as identifiers)
  9. For each entity create the data actions using the Stencil_Core_Services_Pat
  10. Ensure that there a no dependencies to Stencil_Core_Services_Pat
  11. 1-Click publish the module

Create Concept Canonical model

  1. In Service Studio open application CDM
  2. Click in add module
    • Name <domainprefix> + “_” + <concept> + “_CDM” e.g.: FLD_Fields_CDM
    • Module type: Library
  3. Add a description to the new module e.g. Fields Canonical model
  4. 1-Click publish the module
  5. For each exposed “object” define a canonical data structure that will be used for interface parameters
    • <entity_name> - for full records e,g, Field
    • <entity_name>_Summary for list purpose e.g. FieldSummary
    • <entity_name>_Information for a nested graph of the object e.g. OrderInformation for Order and details
  6. Create te structure by copying an entity from the CS module and changing all identifiers to text or to a corresponding structure e.g. CreateByUser type UserId to CreatedByUserName type Text