OutSystems standards and guidelines at Synobsys


Standards, best practices and how-tos for developing OutSystems applications

OutSystems Code Style Guide

By practicing these 6 guidelines, you will be writing OutSystems code that is easy and predictable to read, and consistent with other teams.

  1. Down is progress. Layout code vertically, from top to bottom.
  2. Branch to the right. Place the most important branch directly to the right.
  3. Exceptions to the right. Place exceptional code to the right, as if it were the most important branch.
  4. Cycles start on a diagonal. Start a cycle on a diagonal to the top and right.
  5. Avoid overlapping arrows. Re-arrange your code to avoid overlapping arrows.
  6. Align with intent. Keep related nodes aligned.

For a full explanation see Code style guide for OutSystems article on Medium